You Know You’re a Runner When . . .
- You worry about going to the Doctor because he may tell you to not run . . . so you would have to change doctors.
- You feel a pleasurable rush of endorphins when you walk into a running store.
- Most of your clothes have running companies’ logos on them.
- You can tell the difference between Asics, Brooks, and Saucony shoes, just by looking at them.
- You can’t wait for the next issue of Runner’s World, Running Times, and/or Oklahoma Sports and Fitness and can’t help wondering when the next one is coming out.
- You have an extra stick of body glide at home, just in case you run out.
- You have no problem using porta-potties.
- While driving you see another runner, and you wish you were them.
- Compression socks sound fun to you.
- You dream of running and winning a big race.
- You can identify another runner by how they look and walk, without them saying a word.
- You tell someone you are running to the store/bank/etc., you have to clarify that you’re taking the car.
- You would rather run that go party.
- You’ve watched a video or read an article about how to tie your shoes.
- You know how to correctly say “planter fasciitis”
- Listening to music you evaluate if it would be a good running song.
- A line in your budget is for running (gear, entry fees, etc.)
- The majority of your shirts have sponsor names on the back.
- You have more running shoes than work shoes.
- You run 3 easy miles, in horrendous weather simply because your marathon training schedule says to.
- You wear compression socks under your work clothes.
- You go to bed at 9 on a Saturday night so you can get up early the next morning and run. Your non-running friends don’t understand.
- You lace up your shoes and head out the door because, it’s what you do.